Civil organization BOVAP
Basic information abou the organization
Občianske združenie BOVAP
Štúrova 23
985 05 Kokava nad Rimavicou
Phone: +421 47 433 03 61
Mail: bovap@centrum.sk, oz.bovap@post.sk
Web: www.bovap.sk, www.bovap.webnode.sk
Civil organization BOVAP, resident in Kokava nad Rimavicou, has been founded pursuant Law No. 83/1990 Code of Laws and was registered on 13.11.2000 on the Ministry of Inner Affairs of the Slovak Republic under No. VVS/1-900/90-17369 and its ID is 37819984. It is a corporate body of non-profit character and its subject of activity is to provide generally beneficial services.
Civil organization BOVAP has been created to help to develop regions in the southern departments of Banskobystrický autonomy region namely Lučenec, Poltár, Rimavská Sobota, Revúca and Veľký Krtíš. Activity of the organization and implemented activities are focused on elimination of economic differences between the regions, solution of problems of unemployment, social development, sustainable development and further development of the civil society and the third sector.
Within its activities, the civil organization cooperates in partnerships with state institutions, municipalities, non governmental organizations, enterprises and natural persons. During implementation of international projects it closely cooperates with foreign partners in Hungary.
Goals and target groups of the organization
Civil organization BOVAP has been created to help to develop regions in the southern departments of Banskobystrický autonomy region namely Lučenec, Poltár, Rimavská Sobota, Revúca and Veľký Krtíš. Activity of the organization and implemented activities are focused on elimination of economic differences between the regions, solution of problems of unemployment, social development, sustainable development and further development of the civil society and the third sector.
The subject of activities according to articles of the organization is:
a) complex development with sensitive approach to the environment,
b) activities focused on improvement of quality of life of the citizens,
c) solving of questions of local interest and regional cooperation,
d) establishment of house of caretaking service for immobile older persons,
e) support of immobile citizens in their social and other activities.
Target group
Target group of the organization is quite wide. It consists above all of disadvantaged citizens effected by social exclusion, unemployed, graduates, people with low qualification, citizens with changed working ability, disabled, the young, people above 50.
Within its activity the civil organization cooperates in partnership with state institutions, municipalities, non-governmental organizations, enterprises and natural persons. During implementation of international projects it closely cooperates with foreign partners in Hungary. Within the project EQUAL it has created international partnership with organizations from Italy, France and Spain. Further cooperation is focused on Serbia.